
Mightier was developed for children with aged 6-14. It was developed for regularly developing children, however, it has been used for children with ASD with success. It has been examined in 4 separate studies. Mightier builds off of the established theory that people learn best when then they can construct meaning for themselves. Therefore, Mightier technology works to make emotions visible and actionable when they matter most, during moments of challenge. Children practice in a safe environment that presents the same type of challenges kids face everyday, just in miniature.

  1. Make emotions visible. The Mightier Gizmo, always on the screen, gives kids real-time feedback on their heart rate. The Blue is safe but drift out and The Red can come down and catch you
  2. Scale difficulty with emotions. When in The Red the difficulty of Mightier games increases, but the games never become impossible
  3. Reward invention. There’s no one right way to regulate. Let kids see what works for them and make it tangible in the games
  4. Give support. Sometimes, kids need a bit of extra help. The Mightier gizmo lets kids opt into a deep breathing exercise, showing them that they are in control

Studies by Vaudruiel and colleagues (2017), Ducharme and colleagues (2015), Kahn and colleagues (2013), and Ducharme and colleagues (2012) found that children using Mightier technology and therapy reduced symptoms aggression, oppositional behavior, and parent stress compared to children receiving control treatment. These studies received a strength rating of 2.

Download Mightier (Requires iPad/iPhone/iPod or Android, and the Mighty Band heart rate monitor)